Year 12 community project at the community centre -Centrum rodiny Dubravka

This week saw the end of our current work at the community centre. And again the students have done an amazing job supporting the centre. We had an online concert for the care homes around Dubravka, we had amazing pieces from Runan on the piano, Ales and Jan playing smells like teen spirit, Jeahong and Haein on the drums, grace performing an amazing dance, Seoyun sung fine, she did so well to get up by herself and then Bokun created another piece for us, a mash up of lots of different songs. The care homes emailed to say how their guests really enjoyed the concert and it brought joy to their day, so nice of them to say this. The creative group made some excellent cards that we are going to give to the centre so that they can then give them out to guests that come and visit. The presentation group finished off all their language powerpoints, these can be used byt the centre to help teach English and German. Also at the centre it’s self the cooking group made jam and cake, this will be given to those in need. And the painting group finished off their mosaic, they have done an amazing job and have really brighten up on of the rooms in the centre. Finally the gardening group helped sort the seedlings that they planted two weeks ago and helped out around the centres garden.

Thank you

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